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Donor Stories

Donor Stories

Learn how others have made an impact through their acts of giving to Millsaps College and other organizations.

  • Bill and Angela Neely
    From the moment the two chemistry majors first met at Millsaps, Bill and Angela Neely (C' 87 & 89) each had a hunch. They thought...
  • Bill and Margie Lindsey
    In the final chapter of his memoir "Chasing the Dream," Bill Lindsey writes "I was clueless. I had no academic expectations other than to graduate...
  • Helen Rogers
    Helen Rogers (C '42) held many fond memories of her time at Millsaps, including meeting and falling in love with her late...
  • William Kemp
    William Kemp considered his time at Millsaps the most important four years of his life.
  • Bud Robinson
    Bud Robinson's involvement at Millsaps College began when the CEO of Deposit Guaranty National Bank, Herman Hines, then Treasurer
  • Richard and Martha Blount
    Dr. Richard Blount, a longtime Jackson ophthalmologist, credits Millsaps College with changing the course of his life.
  • Leonette Slay
    I have only lately begun to appreciate how generous my parents were in allowing me to freely choose where to attend college.
  • Howard and Joanne Cheek
    In 1955, Howard and Joanne Cheek graduated from Millsaps College with a B.S. in physics and a B.A. in English, respectively.
  • Sarah Neitzel
    The Millsaps narrative is full of stories from alumni who took the school motto Ad Excellentiam and applied it to their post-graduation lives.
  • Vic Shaw
    Vic Shaw, Class of 1962, holds fond memories of his time at Millsaps, especially his time in the Millsaps Singers choral group.
  • William Larry Hawkins
    Larry Hawkins credits Millsaps College's size and well-rounded offerings for the deep enjoyment he found as a student. "My experience at Millsaps was a complete experience"...