Donor Stories
Learn how others have made an impact through their acts of giving to Millsaps College and other organizations.
Bill and Angela NeelyFrom the moment the two chemistry majors first met at Millsaps, Bill and Angela Neely (C' 87 & 89) each had a hunch. They thought...
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Bill and Margie LindseyIn the final chapter of his memoir "Chasing the Dream," Bill Lindsey writes "I was clueless. I had no academic expectations other than to graduate...
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Helen RogersHelen Rogers (C '42) held many fond memories of her time at Millsaps, including meeting and falling in love with her late...
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William KempWilliam Kemp considered his time at Millsaps the most important four years of his life.
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Bud RobinsonBud Robinson's involvement at Millsaps College began when the CEO of Deposit Guaranty National Bank, Herman Hines, then Treasurer
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Richard and Martha BlountDr. Richard Blount, a longtime Jackson ophthalmologist, credits Millsaps College with changing the course of his life.
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Leonette SlayI have only lately begun to appreciate how generous my parents were in allowing me to freely choose where to attend college.
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Howard and Joanne CheekIn 1955, Howard and Joanne Cheek graduated from Millsaps College with a B.S. in physics and a B.A. in English, respectively.
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Sarah NeitzelThe Millsaps narrative is full of stories from alumni who took the school motto Ad Excellentiam and applied it to their post-graduation lives.
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Vic ShawVic Shaw, Class of 1962, holds fond memories of his time at Millsaps, especially his time in the Millsaps Singers choral group.
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William Larry HawkinsLarry Hawkins credits Millsaps College's size and well-rounded offerings for the deep enjoyment he found as a student. "My experience at Millsaps was a complete experience"...